
Posts Tagged ‘henrybalanon’

I am young professional and I have been graduated from EMU since August 2008.  I have never really cared about having a laptop I have a desk top and I was happy.  Until Startup Weekend Detroit I never realized just how important two things can be.  A laptop or netbook are essential to business today.

I am hard core note taker with a notebook and I am rethinking my paper calander for organization.  With out Internet service you can not  research and it is even harder to create a social marketing platform.

I am active in the social space and I believe in creating opportunities but with out technology you can not participate and this makes life complicated.  My team leader, even though I was frustrated, still considered me part of the team.  I was kind of shocked but he let me participate.

With out a smart phone like an iphone I can not even help my friend Henry Balanon by purchasing his Iphone applications like the Toastmasters Timer for speeches!   I never realized just how important an Iphone can be.  With out a laptop I could have participated by using an Iphone.

Over the years, I have never been much on the technology side.  Last year was the first time I burned a CD.  Through networking, I now believe you can not truly participate unless you have the tools to allow you to excel.  The problem is the cost.

I do not have the money to obtain these things right now.  I am young in my career and I am working part time jobs that play minimum wage which often conflicts with networking times.

I am an optimist and I believe things will.  I am not buying into what the so called experts are saying.  I believe in creating your own life and only you can make changes.  I am hoping change comes soon.

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